Log in to the edelpaper Workspace. Now choose an existing edelpaper or upload and create a new one.
Click on "Create ZIP archive from current edelpaper" and afterwards on publish. Once that is done a new link "Download" will appear below. Simply click on it to download your ZIP packed edelpaper.
Now you will have to unzip your edelpaper. Locate the file on your drive and use freeware like e.g. 7-ZIP or WinRAR to unpack the downloaded file.
Locate the file "index.html" if you want to access your edelpaper in a local browser.
Next open your FTP client (e.g. FileZilla, Cyberduck, etc.). Choose an existing directory or create a new one and upload the whole unzipped edelpaper file to it. Depending on the size of the file and your internet connection this may take some time.
Make sure that all files (and all sub-files) have been successfully uploaded. The lack of files on the server is one of the most common causes why your edlepaper could be displayed incorrectly.
If everything was uploaded the right way link the file "index.html" to your website.
This procedure is explained in detail in one of our video tutorials: